
From Programvareverkstedet
Revision as of 13:39, 22 August 2014 by Ilsegv (talk | contribs)

#English summary


Velkommen til Programvareverkstedets wiki. Programvareverkstedet (PVV) er en studentorganisasjon ved Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). PVVs formål er å skape et miljø for datainteresserte personer tilknyttet universitetet. Nåværende og tidligere studenter ved NTNU, samt ansatte ved NTNU og tilstøtende miljø, kan bli medlemmer.

Kommende arrangementer

Vi holder på å finne dato til kurs dette semesteret.



Steder å starte

  • Medlemsfordeler: Fordeler med å være medlem i PVV.
  • Medlemskontingent: Hvordan betale kontingent.
  • Medlemssider: Hjemmesidene til medlemmer i PVV.
  • Dokumentasjon: Oppskrifter på ting brukere kan gjøre på PVV.
  • Drift: Dokumentasjon til (potensielle) driftere.
  • Epost-lister
  • Styrehandlinger: Styrets huskeliste for å gjøre enkelte handlinger.
  • Historie: PVVs historie og historiske anekdoter fra NTNU, NTH, Gløshaugen, et cetera.
  • Programvareutvikling: Hvordan utvikle (forhåpentlig god) programvare på en god måte.
  • Bokhyllen: Bøker i PVVs bokhylle.
  • Spill: Spill PVV har (brettspill, kortspill, rollespill...)
  • Kurs: PVV arrangerer kurs i ny og ne, og i forbindelse med de fleste kursene legges det ut litt materiale på nett.
  • Maskiner: Oversikt over PVVs maskinpark.
  • Søsterorganisasjoner: PVV-ekvivalenter ved andre universiteter.
  • Nerdepizza: Nerder samles på Peppes og spiser pizza fredager i partallsuker.
  • PVVI: Idrettsforeningen.
  • Mat: De fleste PVV-ere inntar dette jevnlig.

Redigering av wikien

English summary

Welcome to the wiki of Programvareversktedet (PVV). Programvareverkstedet (Literally The software workshop) is a student organization for students interested in computers at NTNU. Anyone who is or has been a student at NTNU, and people either working at or is associated with NTNU, can become a member.

Most of PVV's information is only available in Norwegian. This is natural, since most of our members speak Norwegian. We however wish to emphasize that students and others who are not fluent in Norwegian are very welcome to join our club. Hopefully, more information on this wiki will be translated into English in the future. If there is any one particular page you want translated into English, or a piece of information important to you which is only available in Norwegian, please contact user andreao.

Editing the wiki


Welcome to Programvareverkstedet's wiki. Programvareverkstedet (PVV, The Software Workshop) is a student organization at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NUST/NTNU). PVV's purpose is to create an environment for people that take an interest in computers and are connected to the university. Current and former students at NUST, and employees at NUST and related environments, can be members.

Upcoming events

Messages from the administration


Places to start

  • Member benefits: Benefits of being a member of PVV.
  • Memersip fee: How to pay the membership fee.
  • Member's pages: Homepages of PVV's members.
  • Documentation: Recipes for things users can do at PVV.
  • Administration: Documentation for (potential) administrators.
  • Mailing lists
  • Board actions: The boards list for remembering to perform some simple actions.
  • History: PVV's history and historical anecdotes from NUST, NTH, Gløshaugen, etc.
  • Software development: How to develop (hopefully good) software in a good way.
  • The Bookshelf: Books in PVV's bookshelf.
  • Games: Games PVV has (board games, card games, role playing games...)
  • Courses: PVV arranges courses from time to time, and in relation to most of them some material is published online.
  • Machines: Overview of PVV's machine park.
  • Sister organizations: PVV-equivalents at other universities.
  • Nerd Pizza: Nerds gather at Peppes and eat pizza in even numbered weeks.
  • PVVI: The sports association.
  • Food: Most PVV-ers consume this regularly.

Edditing the wiki